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The Astrology of Healing - Year 2

In the senior year, the emphasis is on the elements.  First the elements are given a modern interpretation and examined in relationship to constitutional type and temperament.  Then, the conflicts are interpreted.  If, for instance, we take the cross as a basic stressful pattern, we see that not only are the aspects hard, but each sign is of a different element so the second year has four lessons that focus on each of the elements and six that deal with the conflicts of the elements.

Level One is therefore the equivalent of two years of intense study.  The course will be taught live once.  After that, only published versions will be available.

Students should make sure that before starting the course, their charts are rectified and thoroughly tested for accuracy. There is a pdf that can be downloaded once registration for the course is completed.  Rectification is arguably the most difficult technical challenge of astrology so many people will need help verifying that the chart is accurate.

Certificate students must submit a term paper of approximately 25-40 pages that deals specifically with the material in the first two years.  There is an extra charge for overseeing this process. Completion should be regarded as the equivalent of a B.A. in Medical Astrology and those who pass will be announced on the Academy website.

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