
In an age when countless children has attention deficits or autism and adults fear loss of memory and Alzheimer’s disease, the time has come to analyze exactly what memory is, what interferes with synaptic responses and motor skills, as well as what aids our focus, capacity to concentrate, and ability to recall recent, i.e., short-term memory, and to access the archives where long-term is stored.  This webinar is in two parts: three webinars and two lessons that are taught as courses rather than webinars. Those two lessons involve measures for detoxifying the organs of perception.  These in turn can be followed by another course on Miasms.

Webinar 1 - Conditioned Consciousness

Most people who have studied memory have learned that there are two types: short-term memory and long-term memory, but pundits in the East long ago defined memory as either conditioned or free of personal interpretations. This webinar is about personal memory and the particular methods each person uses to catalogue experiences. To give a bit of an idea about what this means, it can be stated that the archiving system is emotional and highly idiosyncratic . . . because each experience is qualified by what was felt at the time.

Launches Webinar Date: To be announced.

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Webinar 2 - The Archiving of Memory

There is a reaction to every experience. The event was pleasant or unpleasant; and there are countless nuances to each general category, for example, a pleasant experience may make one feel special or respected or happy whereas an unpleasant one may be demeaning or frightening or even life-threatening. On top of these adjectives, there were specific features involving places, people, animals, sounds, smells, colors, apparel, and so on.  In any given situation, we do not know with certainty what additional characteristics will be associated with the event.  To unlock memory, we need to find the particular keys by following a complex set of clues, and the setting for such adventures must feel safe and protected.

Launches Webinar Date: To be announced.

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Webinar 3 - Direct Awareness

Unconditioned memory involves direct perception of concepts and ideas as they are.  Though referred to as a type of memory, this process involves intuition rather than recollection. Some people are born with the ability to use this faculty, and others have to develop the capacity through psychospiritual practices. Direct perception operates at a rather high frequency so people must be alert in order to recognize and then remember the impressions. When intuition is accessible, people tend to become creative and, of course, more aware of the nuances of universe in which we live.

Launches Webinar Date: To be announced.

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