Stress: The Cause of Disease
So that everyone taking the course starts with the correct horoscope, a bonus lesson on Rectification can be downloaded once registration is completed. This is not exactly a prerequisite for taking the course, but it is highly recommended that everyone start off with correct horoscopes for themselves and the persons whose charts they will use in the course.
The main lesson is called Stress: The Cause of Disease, which was actually the title of the book published in the 1980s which has been out-of-print for about two decades. The types of stress shown in the horoscope as well as the importance of each configuration, the depth, and the duration are discussed in this lesson. In addition, there is some hand-out material using the standard Holmes-Rahe Stress Test along with an online astrological test that users can configure.
This lesson includes quite a lot of bonus material. Since the concept of stress as well as pivotal events is directly linked to Ingrid Naiman's original theory of the First Wound. Thus, a short pdf on the First Wound is included with Lesson 1 of the Astrology of Healing.
There is also a very brief overview of the history of medical astrology and a pdf on Ginkgo Biloba, the oldest plant known and one that is remarkable for its longevity and protective benefits.
Live Webinar Date: To be announced
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